#142: Tactics to Successfully Re-engage and Win Back Lapsed Customers

Feb 14, 2023

One of the most important things in business to remember is that it costs more to acquire a new customer than it does to retain an existing one.

While we spend a lot of time focusing on how to bring new business into our world, we sometimes forget that focusing on re-engaging lapsed customers can increase the sales in our business without having to work as hard or spend as much. 

In this episode, I'm breaking down some key tactics to get the attention of past customers who have been giving you the cold shoulder, including...  

  • How to define when a customer is lapsed
  • Why tracking data will increase your efforts to understand 
  • The best ways to put systems in place to minimize losing customers and keep them engaged with your business

If you're looking for ideas to rekindle the love affair with your past customers, this is the episode for you. 

Are you ready to turn your website into a money making machine?

Join my LIVE Masterclass Series, Websites That Convert!

Starting on February 21, I've blocked off three training days to spend with you, teaching you my 3-part website funnel framework.

During these three days, we’ll cover what you need to know to create the 3 most important pages on your website, how to create an authentic relationship with your audience and the best way to sell online without using tactics that make you feel cringey

I want you to stack all the odds in your favour...enroll dream customers...and confidently build an online presence that WOWS and SELLS.

Join me in my limited time Masterclass Series and I'll walk you step-by-step on how to do EXACTLY that.

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