#140: 5 Sales Page Mistakes That Are Stopping People From Buying from You

Feb 07, 2023

Sales pages...please make them stop! 

I'm not sure who said that they need to be 6000 miles long to be effective, but let's revisit this conversation. 

On this episode of the show I'm doing something different by airing a live training that I did walking a group of amazing online business owners through fixing some common mistakes that aren't often talked about in the online space that can cause you sales. 

What are they?

  • Your above the fold isn't optimized which causes people bounce off your site
  • Your "Buy Now" call to action isn't clear enough or compelling 
  • You're leading people out of your sales funnel unknowingly
  • You're not using your FAQ section to address objections
  • You're not writing your sales copy based on how people come into your funnel

If you're looking for for some advice on how to set yourself up for success on your sales page, then jump into this live training.


Are you ready to turn your website into a money making machine?

Join my LIVE Masterclass Series, Websites That Convert!

Starting on February 21, I've blocked off three training days to spend with you, teaching you my 3-part website funnel framework.

During these three days, we’ll cover what you need to know to create the 3 most important pages on your website, how to create an authentic relationship with your audience and the best way to sell online without using tactics that make you feel cringey

I want you to stack all the odds in your favour...enroll dream customers...and confidently build an online presence that WOWS and SELLS.

Join me in my limited time Masterclass Series and I'll walk you step-by-step on how to do EXACTLY that.

Save your seat here >>>