#9: Fear of Failing

Feb 18, 2021

Hey you! I opened up the doors to my signature program, the Side Hustle Academy last week, so I’ve been doing a lot of talking with potential students about their dreams and what’s motivating them to start a business. I’m also talking with a lot of people about their fears of joining and then failing to get their idea off the ground. In this episode of the Hey Spark Plug! Podcast, I’m sharing with you my very personal story about the biggest professional failure of my life and where that journey took me. Imposter syndrome is real and we need to talk about it in order to set our minds to overcome it! Take a listen. 
 During this episode Jan discusses:

[1:39] The conversations she’s having about the fear of failing with potential students.  

[3:02] Jan shares the story of her biggest professional failure and how that impacted her. 

[8:02] How success is a skill and like all skills we need to practice it to master it.     

[8:39] Leaning into believing in success instead of failing.    

[10:33] The Side Hustle Academy and how it can help you to move forward with your dreams. 

Click here to listen!
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