#7: When Things Don't Go to Plan Within Your Business

Feb 03, 2021

Hey you! I focus on talking a lot about how to do things right in your business, but what happens when things don't go as planned?⁣ On this episode of the Hey Spark Plug! Podcast, I step out of my comfort zone to share my own story of the pivots I had to make since I launched my business. We all make mistakes with our planning and we all face obstacles that are just impossible to move a pandemic. The key to success is knowing when to move your business and when to stick it out.⁣

During this episode Jan discusses:

[1:12] The reason why she wanted to record this episode and how some of her students are pivoting their businesses before launching them. 

[1:38] The emotional impact pivoting has on us as entrepreneurs. 

[2:18] Jan shares her own journey pivoting her business and the behind the scenes look at how that impacted her growth and confidence. 

[12:10] A message to her students who are pivoting: pivoting is not failure. It's a sign of tremendous business acumen. 

Click here to listen!

Resources mentioned in this episode:

Resources from this episode:

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