#218: Using Influencer Marketing to Grow Your Business with Sara Ballantyne

Oct 31, 2023
Have you ever wondered what all the fuss was about when it comes to influencer marketing?

If you ask me, it's one of the BEST ways to grow your business no matter what stage you're in. And my special guest this week, Sara Ballantyne is here to share with you the BTS secrets on how to leverage working with an influencer to expand your authority and your revenue!

Sara is a content creator and influencer who works with brands both big and small helping them level up their content strategy and successfully reach their ideal customer. She has built her business to 6-figures in only three years helping brands grow their authority online. Sara is my go to resource for influencer marketing and I've had the pleasure of working with her since I started my business in 2020.

Together, we'll explore the fundamentals of this game-changing strategy, offering invaluable tips on finding the perfect influencers for your brand, and diving deep into strategies for building authentic and successful influencer partnerships.

So, if you're ready to dive into the world of online influencers and how it can strategically grow your business, this is the episode for you.

Links mentioned in the episode:

Swipe my influencer marketing planning template here.
Download Sara's Curate Your Influence guide book here. 

About Sara Ballantyne:

Sara is a Canadian children’s book author, content creator, influencer, and blogger. She works with brands both big and small helping them level up their content strategy and successfully reach their ideal customer. She has built her business to a six figure business in only three years, allowing her to pursue helping brands full time.  Her mission is to build strong children and communities. she loves to connect with mothers by simply sharing a piece of her life and sharing about the highs and lows of motherhood.

Find her on the web.
Follow her on the 'Gram.