#214: Your High Converting Lead Magnet Checklist

Oct 17, 2023

I know you hate the idea of growing your email list. It's okay to admit it! 

To be honest, it's a giant pain in the backside...but, it's also one of the most important tasks in your business.

So I'm here to help make it a little easier. We're talking all things list building on this episode of the show -  starting with lead magnets. 

I'm spilling the beans on the strategies, tips, and secrets you need to know. Plus, we've got some awesome tricks up our sleeve, and free cheat sheet to help you create the perfect lead magnet for your specific audience. Head to janditchfield.co/214 to grab your copy. 

Let's get your email growing, your business will thriving, and you'll have more time for the things you love (like not worrying about your email list).

So grab your favourite bevvie, your free cheklist, a No. 2 pencil and let's get ready to drive some leads your way!

Links mentioned in this episode:

Free lead magnet creation cheat sheet download >>> get it here.

Make sure to tune into Episode #215 and #216 for more email listing building strategies!