#205: The Data You Need to Be Tracking in Your Business (And Why!)

Sep 26, 2023

We're diving deep on the boring side of business and talking all things data!

Data isn't just some fancy buzzword that's tossed around in the online space; it's like your business's secret sauce. It's what keeps you on course, grows your revenue and helps keep you moving forward strategically. 

Now, you're probably wondering, "What kind of data should I be tracking?" Great question! In this episode, I'm break down the essential data points that can make or break your business.

But here's the cherry on top: I've got a sweet treat for you. Head over to janditchfield.co/205, and you'll find a free download waiting for you. It's a handy cheat sheet and data tracker that'll make your life so much easier. Trust me; you won't want to miss it.

So, grab your favorite drink, get cozy, and join me for a conversation about data that might just change the game for your business.

Links mentioned in this episode:

Free data tracker and cheat sheet download
Start your email list on Convertkit