#156: Is Your Mindset Sabotaging Your Business Success?

Apr 04, 2023

How much does mindset actually influence the financial success in your business?

I'm normally not one to talk about mindset on the podcast, but I'm wading into the deep end on this episode of the podcast.

Why is it that some people seem to hit big goals in their business, while others struggle to get traction? Recently I came out of a launch that was very successful, and this question kept bumping around in my mind.

I saw this same pattern in my career and it was usually why I was brought in to fix the problems that existed in other people's businesses. And, now I'm seeing these same patterns playing out in the online space.

It always seems to come down to the same characteristics of the entrepreneur - their habits, mindset and skill set. 

We can talk about mission, vision and passion being important to your success all day long...but if you're truly looking to move the needle of your business financially, they aren't the things that will get you there.

The number one thing that will...is your mindset.

Jump into this episode of the show to learn about the 4 different categories of mindset that entrepreneurs fall into and how your thinking can drastically impact your ability to make money.

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This podcast is produced, mixed and edited by Cardinal Studio. Visit www.cardinalstudio.co for more information.