#129: How I Made 6-Figures in 12 Months - My 2022 in Review

Dec 30, 2022

Only 12% of female entrepreneurs ever reach 6-figures in business and I'm on a mission to see that change.

So I'm sharing the behind the scenes taking you step-by-step how I made 6-figures in 12 months. If you're looking for some guidance and support on how to transfer your real world expertise into the online world, you'll want to listen to this episode. 

I'm breaking down...

- How I treat my business like a career and set intentional sales goals 
- The process I went through to align my digital offers to help my dream customers
- How I made hard decisions in order to grow the revenue in my business 
- The content strategy I used to free up more time in my day so I could focus on sales

No matter the goals in your own business, this episode will help you set yourself up for success. Here's to making 2023 your best year in business! 

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