#121: How to Set Goals for Your Best Year Ever in Business

Nov 29, 2022

If you're ready to have your best year ever in your business, you need to take a good look at how you're setting goals. 

And, if the idea of trying to understand how to set yourself up for success in the new year feels overwhelming, I've got you covered in this episode. 

Success in business isn't accidental or luck. It's about setting goals and knowing the small actions you need to take in order to achieve them. 

I'm going to walk you through my 6 buckets in business that I always set goals against and how you can apply the same approaches in your own. And you might be surprised to hear why I strongly believe that success should be measured not only on what we accomplish in our day to day, but how it makes us feel when we're doing it.

In this episode I'm breaking down...

  • The best way to do a year end evaluation of your business and the key buckets to be reviewing 
  • How to know what to keep and what to drop in your business as you move into the new year
  • How to set intentional goals with a money mindset
  • And, how I run an annual review in my own business to set myself up for growth year after year

If you're looking for some guidance to set big goals, stay accountable and remain motivated to keep moving forward on the hard days, you're going to love this episode.


If you're tired of hearing the same tired, cookie cutter advice and are ready for a fresh approach to setting yourself up for business success in the new year, then join me in my ultimate FREE annual training. 

The Online Entrepreneur Event is taking virtual learning to a whole new level and I'm saving a spot for you.

When you join me on December 19th & 20th, you'll get action taking information including: 

  • Endless gems and industry secrets from leaders in online business
  • A community unlike any other filled with goal diggers just like you
  • And, a bucket load of inspiration to not only chase your dreams in 2023, but the strategies you need to reach them

Grab your spot today and let's show 2023 who's boss!