STAND OUT: A Live Business Builder Bootcamp with Jan Ditchfield

Learn the 3-step framework to grow your business online QUICKLY. STAND OUT is the ultimate LIVE business promotion bootcamp…and it’s FREE.

Join me for 7 days of trainings where you'll learn how to ramp up your online presence, create a kickass brand and nail the strategy to grow your biz online.

Hit that "Sign Me Up" button below and let's get ready to take your business to the next level!



Whether you have a business or are just getting started, having an engaged online presence means...


You're always getting your business in front of the right people and are building a community you love to serve.

You stand out as the expert you are and are able to use your influence to turn followers into raving repeat customers.

You have a clear path to profit so you can make money while you sleep doing what you love day after day.



You know you need to grow an audience online, but you have no idea who the right people are for you, let alone how to find them. Just the very idea of having to create consistent content for your business online makes you break out in hives. I get it! You're way too busy to be wasting your time following trends and outdated marketing advice. That's why I created STAND OUT, my free 7-day Bootcamp to help get you unstuck and ready to take action. 

STAND OUT is for you if you're...

  • Dreaming of getting your small business in front of the right audience right now, but don't know where to start

  • Trying to establish your online influence and turn followers into raving repeat customers

  • Ready to uplevel your social media strategy so you're never running out of content that converts

  • Looking for a clear path to profit so you can make money while you sleep doing what you love


This is STAND OUT: A Live Business Builder Bootcamp

Here's What to Expect May 24 - 30

3 Key Trainings

Learn the 3 key steps to growing an engaged online presence for your business without the overwhelm.

Live Q&A

I'll answer all your questions and help you work through your plan with my 20+ years of business marketing experience.

Implementation Days

Roll out your new plan with ongoing support to help you confidently create your online authority as a business owner.

Loads of Free Stuff!

You'll be able to get some great prizes to help you as small biz owner during our challenges, giveaways and contests.

Kathleen McDonald

"Jan is hands down the best educator I have come across! Her courses are so jam packed with high value and quality information that I never second guess making a purchase with her. She has absolutely ruined me for other course creators."

Meet Your Instructor

Jan Ditchfield is an award-winning social entrepreneur and business educator. With over 20 years of experience in business development, marketing and operations, Jan built her career helping businesses to thrive. She has successfully founded two non-profit organizations, three for profit businesses and has been responsible for over $20 million dollars of revenue in her career. 

She is also the creator of the Impact Business Academy, the only online training program of its kind that not only teaches women the strategies to start or grow a small business – but also how to market and run it so you can transform your passion into profit. Within her new bootcamp, Jan breaks down her 3-step framework to set your business up for success, attract your dream customers and stand out in your market in short, high-impact and fun lessons so you can move forward with confidence! 

You Can Do This!

When your time in the Bootcamp is done, you’ll have knowledge, tools and confidence you need to build your business and authority online while being supported every step of the way.