Personalized mentorship to help guide you to the next level of business through an entrepreneurial mindset, revenue-creating habits and streamlined systems, while taking into account the unique challenges of being a woman in business. 



Growing your business to 6-figures and beyond requires more from you than mastering the next tactic...

Growing a business that cultivates your legacy and creates wealth requires you to master acumen

...and that requires learning an entirely different set of skills than the ones you needed to get to where you are today. If you feel like you're missing a piece of the puzzle, it's because you are.



Popular online courses lack strategic foundations.

The trends and tactics you're taught will only get you so far before they stop working because they're not designed to help you long-term. They're just quick fixes. That's going to leave you struggling to create a long-term business plan that aligns with your goals.

You're missing experienced guidance and mentorship.

Women in business often lack access to experienced mentors or coaches who can provide personalized guidance. Your journey is unique. While the popular DIY courses are a great starting point, you need individualized support to get to the next level.

You're thinking like an expert, not an owner.

Being exceptional at your subject matter is not the same as being exceptional at business. Developing your acumen allows you to make strategic decisions, seize opportunities, and drive your business towards success.

The boring parts of business make you money.

Let's give 'Boring' its due credit. Uncovering (and mastering) the treasure trove hidden in routine tasks and foundational processes is what will see your revenue soar. It's time to embrace the boring bits of your business.

To get to the next stage in your business, you don't need to be hustling need to be hustling smarter.

You've already have skin in the game and have proven you have what it takes to create something meaningful with your business. Now it's time to invest in mentorship to fast track your success and fill in your blindspots.  



A 12-month mastermind + personalized mentorship program for established online entrepreneurs & service providers who want strategic guidance to weed through the day-to-day realities of growing a 6-figure & beyond business while balancing the unique challenges of being a woman in business.


LEGACY is not a course or a generic cookie cutter program.

It's a high-touch mentorship program for talented female entrepreneurs to personally guide you through the challenges of scaling your businesses to new heights while juggling the demands of life, family, and personal growth.


Jan’s approach is so personalized and what she teaches works! 

She consistently set me up for success. She assists me in times of crisis and doubt, and helps me focus on what matters.

Hélène Hébert, Professional Gardener


1:1 Mentorship & Group Coaching

Your business isn't generic and neither should be the support you receive to scale it. We work closely together to customize a plan that's specific to your unique goals and industry expertise.


We kick things off together in Legacy with a goal strategy call. Then every month after, we meet for 45-minutes to review your plan, hold you accountable to your action steps and remove any roadblocks that are holding you back.


Each month, we all come together to mastermind, share ideas, support and encouragement for each other. This is a place to be able to belong and pursue your legacy.


Profitability is at the heart of every thriving business. Legacy delves into proven strategies, tactics, and resources that are designed to boost your profits, optimize your operations, and enhance your financial acumen.

Expert Mentor Masterclasses

Monthly coaching on Sales Mindset, Branding & Marketing, and Productivity & Health by three leading experts in their fields. You won't find a team of female leaders with this much experience and credibility in any other program. Our support is tailored to your unique goals.

Guest Expert Workshops

In-depth trainings and Q&A sessions with leading experts on topics that directly impact women in business. From motherhood, marriage, aging, caregiving and beyond, you'll be supported to run your business while you're running your life. In Legacy we talk about the issues that no one else is addressing so you can maximize your success.

Instant Access Trainings

You'll get immediate access to trainings on business foundations, customer mindset, marketing, web development, branding and more. Every piece of your business has been taken into consideration to give you a holistic approach to your business growth, paves the way for lasting success and a legacy you can be proud of.

Quarterly Profit Audits

We'll deep dive into your profit margins every quarter to examine what's working, what's not and where your opportunities are. Data is king (or should I say QUEEN!) when it comes to developing your acumen. With each audit, you'll gain deeper insights, make data-driven decisions, and watch your profits grow.

Members Only Community

Our private community of like-minded female entrepreneurs offers a powerful support system where you can network, collaborate, and share experiences. You'll create lasting connections, gain fresh perspectives, and receive unwavering encouragement, providing you with the inspiration to propel your business forward.

Annual Virtual Business Retreat

Step away from the daily grind and immerse yourself in focused planning for the year ahead. Our annual virtual event is your go-to for setting ambitious goals, and mapping out a clear path to success. You'll emerge with a concrete plan to achieve your business objectives and make the next year your most successful one yet.

It's time to embrace the role of a CEO in your own entrepreneurial story.

Legacy is your training ground, where you'll gain the knowledge and skills needed to excel as an expert in business, all while helping you maintain balance in your life as a female entrepreneur.

The women I link arms with, their business is the catalyst for becoming the most fulfilled version
of themselves.

You're an expert in your field and you deserve to learn from someone who is as well. After 20+ year career in business where I brought in 20+ million dollars, I teach women how to build relationships and close sales in a radically different way than what’s taught online in today’s market.

Imagine yourself one year from today, as a member of Legacy where you'll:

  • Wake up each day with a sense of purpose and confidence, knowing that you're on a well-guided path to success.
  • Witness tangible progress each month and your business isn't just thriving; it's exceeding your wildest expectations.
  • No longer feel like you're navigating the challenges of entrepreneurship alone with and are connected to a network of like-minded women who support and inspire you every step of the way.
  • Make informed decisions while minimizing setbacks, and advancing your business by confidently taking calculated risks.
  • Stay ahead of the curve and secure your position as an industry leader, cultivate your legacy, create wealth and be able to say "I told you so!" to anyone who ever doubted you (including yourself). 

Working with Jan has been such a game-changer that now I feel selfish keeping her all to myself!  

She's so good at what she does that I'm tempted to hide her away in a secret vault. Thanks to Jan, I'm not just thinking outside the box, I've tossed the box out the window and set it on fire.  If you're ready to kick your business into high gear, brace yourself for the addiction that is working with her.

Elaine Dickens, Registered Psychotherapist 

Hey you! I'm Jan and I'm not your typical online business coach.

I'm actually not a business coach at all! And your expertise can't be defined by a cookie cutter online business title either. 

I understand that due to your level of expertise, the traditional sales strategies aren’t going to work for you. I spent 20 years in an award-winning corporate career as a professional fundraiser and business strategist, where I brought in over $20 million in revenue. Now, I bring these strategies to the table to support women leaders building highly profitable businesses.

The clients who work with me know that I’m able to see a future version of them and can reflect what they already have to help them expedite their growth.

I believe that online business can be done differently. Better, even.

My approach to your business success is holistic - focusing on the mindset, habits, and systems as being critical to your bottom line.

The mindset strategies I teach help you condition for your business much like an athlete would for their sport. You can be put in any situation and adjust your course of action accordingly. You’ll learn to own any room you walk into.

The habits I teach you don’t involve the perfect morning routine complete with journaling. Instead, you’ll learn
habits that focus on creating revenue. You’ll learn how to give yourself grace in your business growth because it’s forgiveness and leaning in that will catapult you to the front of your industry.

The systems you’ll learn through our work don’t revolve around Instagram post times or the perfect content
calendar. I’ll help you establish sales systems, the way people buy from you, and the systems that help you
maintain them as clients.

I’m here as a true business strategist to help smart women like you make a lot of money and maintain your values while you do it.

Have Questions? I have answers.

I show my clients how to make money through the mindset, habits, and systems you need to close deals Monday-Friday so you can pour intentional time into what matters most to you.

Jan has completely transformed my business! 

I've had a successful business for 5 years and have taken all the courses, trainings, bootcamps and had numerous coaches. None of them taught me what Jan has."

Ashley Patrick, Budgets Made Easy